Non$Drug Rehabilitation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders of Various Origins

Zilov V. G., Minenko I. A.

I. M. Seshenov Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow


Rehabilitation of persons with posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) one of the up-to-date social problem was the goal of present observations. In spite of great success with pharmacotherapy the existence of numerous sideeffect rose the interest of general practitioners to nonconventional therapies. Large group of PTSD patients rangers after Chechnya, aviators, representatives of Federal. Security Service and women after sexual violance were treated when various combinations of non-conventional therapies: acupuncture, homotherapy, electrical stimulation with biofeedback (SCANAR-therapy), psychotherapy were used. Homosiniatry (injections of homeopathic remedies in acupunctural biological activе points) together with psусhothеrapy were found to be the most effective in rehabilitation. Data obtained let to suggest that non-conventional therapies can be succеssively used in treatment of patients with stresses of various origins.

Language: russian



Zilov V. G., Minenko I. A.
Non$Drug Rehabilitation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders of Various Origins // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2006. Issue #2: 31—34