Role of the Bee Venom and Propolis in Structure of the Farmacotherapy

Omarov SH. M., Ataev M. G., Magomedova Z. SH., Omarova Z. M.

Dagestan state medical academy, Makhachkala


Information is considered in article about the most important biologically active component of the bee venom and propolis. It is described main pharmacological effects, which present clinical importance in practical doctor. Are they in detail considered possible side effects of the bee venom and methods of the rendering first medical help under allergic and toxic reaction. The Presented evidences to using the bee venom and propolis with instruction of the names preparation.

Language: russian



Omarov SH. M., Ataev M. G., Magomedova Z. SH., Omarova Z. M.
Role of the Bee Venom and Propolis in Structure of the Farmacotherapy // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2006. Issue #2: 35—42