Research Of A Matter\'s Fundamental Properties. Creation Of The Experimental Complex CMS At The Large LHC Collider .

Golutvin I. A., Zarubin A. V.

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna


The CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Project — the multi purpose detector at the LHC collider, one of the biggest experimental installation ever built, joint efforts of scientists and engineers from 37 countries. Important and essential part of this project is the CMS Collaboration of Russia and Dubna Member-States (RDMS CMS). RDMS collaboration joint about 300 scientists and provide large scale and long term participation of physicists from JINR memberstates in the first-string modern scientific project. Important aspect is wide involvement of national industries and technical potential of branchwise science of participating countries. Nuclear physics, particle physics or high energy physics is shining example of combination of fundamental knowledge of nature structure and modern achievement in engineering science and technical progress. Even more, the technical progress of society is driven by achievements of particle physics.

Language: russian



Golutvin I. A., Zarubin A. V.
Research Of A Matter\'s Fundamental Properties. Creation Of The Experimental Complex CMS At The Large LHC Collider . // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2006. Issue #2: 51—60