Modelling of World of Righteousness: L. N. Tolstoy\'s Thesaurus Paradigm

Tarasov A. B.

Institute of Humanitarian Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities, Moscow


This article suggests taking the thesaurus approach as the basis of studies on a creative work of a writer. It is considered to be a productive way for a scientist to be scientifically objective, but to express his subjective point of view. As an example of this methodology the Tolstoy\'s thesaurus paradigm is examined and his world of righteousness is models.

Language: russian



Tarasov A. B.
Modelling of World of Righteousness: L. N. Tolstoy\'s Thesaurus Paradigm // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2006. Issue #2: 73—77