Kurzanov A. N.
Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar
Animal testing is fundamental for biomedical sciences and often plays a decisive role in understanding of life. Animal experiments are only a prelude to experimental testing of new preventive, diagnostic or therapeutical technologies, products or medical equipment on people. Use of animals by man raises philosophic and moral questions. The right to use animals, demanded by man, is inseparable from his duty not to misuse this right. Humanization of animal experiments demands not only compassion from man, but also an ability of logic thinking and understanding that people should defend the right for scientific experiments on animals. To achieve this, the scientific society should first of all unite their efforts in order to form in the society a realistic and balanced position on this problem.
Language: russian
Kurzanov A. N.
Experimental Studies from the Viewpoint of Bioethics // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2007. Issue #1: 7—13