Epstein O. I., Sergeeva S. A., Dugina J. L., Kachanova M. V., Kheyfets I. A., Belopolskaya M. V.
OOO «NPF «Materia Medica Holding», Moscow
Biological properties of ultra-low doses of antibodies to endogenous regulators of functions were revealed and evaluated in the study. Drugs containing ultra-low doses of antibodies were developed; they proved to be highly effective and low-toxic. Preclinical studies demonstrated the efficacy of ultra-low doses of antibodies in the treatment of experimental pathologies in animals that is comparable with standard comparators; besides no adverse events were registered. Studies of toxicity proved that novel drugs are highly safe and non-toxic. The efficacy and safety of these drugs were confirmed in clinical studies.
Language: russian
Epstein O. I., Sergeeva S. A., Dugina J. L., Kachanova M. V., Kheyfets I. A., Belopolskaya M. V.
Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology of Ultra-low Doses of Antibodies // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2008. Issue #1: 11—17