About Possible Influence of Geodynamic Processes on Indications of Cavendish Balance

Khalilov E. N.

Scientific$Research Institute of Prognosis and Studying the Earthquakes, Baku, Azerbaijan


Problem of clearing up the reasons of variations of gravitational constant G, observed by many scientists of the world, is of great importance not only for fundamental physics and astrophysics, but also for geophysics. The article is devoted to experimental studying of reasons of variations of gravitational constant G and their possible connection with geological processes. For this purpose was created a new instrument — the detector ATROPATENA, which uninterruptedly registers the values of G simultaneously in two mutually perpendicular directions and the relative changes in time of gravity - g. It has been determined that the parameters of variations in time of G depend upon spatial orientation of Cavendish balance. Variations G before strong earthquakes are registered.

Language: russian



Khalilov E. N.
About Possible Influence of Geodynamic Processes on Indications of Cavendish Balance // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2008. Issue #2: 49—54