Komissarov G. G.
N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
A brief review of the author works, which led to the creation of a new concept of photosynthesis is presented. According the idea, the source of oxygen (hydrogen) is not water but the exo- and endogenous hydrogen peroxide subjected to photochemical or thermal dissociation. Thermal energy is necessary participant (not waste) of this process. On the basis of the considerations the cogent explanation of physiological process proceeded at the photosynthesis is given. Some problems concerning life origin are discussed. A new principle of the conversion of solar to electrical energy is proposed. Recommendation for stimulating of the growth and productivity of plants are given.
Language: russian
Komissarov G. G.
A New Concept of Photosynthesis: Opening Perspectives // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2010. Issue #2: 52—57