The Principles of Environmental and Media Education Integration: Seven Rules of Eco-Media-Pedagogic

I. Wagner

Institute of Strategic Studies in the Education of the Russian Academy of Education, M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, SEC TECO, Moscow


Environmental and media education are considered in the article as two priority areas of pedagogy and practice in the context of globalization. The principles of the integration of environmental and media education, the implementation of which will contribute to the development of ecological culture of personality, will reduce the risks of negative effects of the media on the development of ecological culture of the individual and the approval of the ecological imperative of information. The principles formulated as seven rules eko-media-pedagogic. Key words: ecological culture, environmental education, information society, media education, information culture, the principles of the integration.

Language: russian



I. Wagner
The Principles of Environmental and Media Education Integration: Seven Rules of Eco-Media-Pedagogic // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2013. Issue #1: 21—28