I. V. Wagner, T. V. Borisova
Institute of Strategic Studies in the Education of the Russian Academy of Education, M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, SEC TECO, Moscow Svetlograd Pedagogical College, Svetlograd, Stavropol region
Condacted by SEC TECO monitoring studies of contemporary information space as the factor of the development of the ecological culture of students continue the analysis of the potential of school Internet sites represented in the article. The ways of increasing the influence of the information space of educational establishment on the development of the ecolog
Language: russian
I. V. Wagner, T. V. Borisova
INFORMATION SPACE AS THE FACTOR OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CULTURE OF THE STUDENTS: MONITORING THE SCHOOL WEB-SITES // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2014. Issue #1: 55—59