Ecological Philosophy: World View Dimensions of the Modern Ecology

E. N. Knyazeva


The philosophical meaning of some ideas of the modern ecology is revealed in the article, and the possibility of applying an extended ecological approach in scientific research, management and educational activities is substantiated. The heuristic character of the concept of ecosophy, introduced into scientific circulation by the French philosopher Felix Guattari, is shown. It is argued that ecology today is not limited to the idea of coexistence and coevolution of man and nature, but might be understood as an ecology of mind, of knowledge, of action, of communication, of management, and of education. Such a broad understanding of ecology develops in his scientific works Stanislav N. Glazachev, whose anniversary is celebrated in 2019. Keywords: ecology, extended ecological approach, ecological thinking, ecological philosophy, evolutionary holism, interdisciplinarity.

Language: russian



E. N. Knyazeva
Ecological Philosophy: World View Dimensions of the Modern Ecology // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2019. Issue #1: 16—23