Fedoseev O.N., Hurnova L.M.
The development of the aquaculture products market can have a significant impact on our national priorities, first of all, forming a trend of healthy nutrition and longevity of the Russian population. The expected growth in demand for fish can be met by aquaculture production, taking into account the large number of inland reservoirs in Russia. A regression-type mathematical model is presented that describes the dependence of the weight gain of the cage carp on the duration of cultivation, which allows predicting the efficiency of the cage farm by the weight of the fish grown
Language: russian
Fedoseev O.N., Hurnova L.M.
MATHEMATICAL MODEL DEVELOPMENT GARDEN CARP FARM ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF GARDENS // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2022. Special Issue #2: 52—55