Methodological Bases on the Development of Functional Systems Theory

O. Anisimov, O. Glazachev

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, A. M. Sholokhov Moscow State University of Humanities, Moscow, Russia


Features of P. K. Anokhin «functional systems» theory basic terms — «system», «function» application, specificity of conceptual maintenances standing up for by terms are discussed in the paper. Essential distinction of concepts «structure» and the «system» is underlined, and the realized application of the latter can promote perfection of the modern physiological theory. The condition of system and functional characteristics of an organism and its components reveals, leaning on philosophical understanding of functionality that opens prospect of significant perfection of theoretical comprehension of the phenomena in medical practice and considerable corrections in medical education programs.

Language: russian



O. Anisimov, O. Glazachev
Methodological Bases on the Development of Functional Systems Theory // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2011. #1